Also, for any of you who have a vague interest in what I'm doing (?), I'm writing this on a train and the table is just that little bit too far away :/
SO! Flightplan (2005), produced by Brian Grazer, who's name I recognise but can't place and directed by someone else who's name escapes me at this time, from what I remember, came out roughly the same time as Wes Craven's Red Eye (which I'll comment on another time), and I believe was one of the first post 9/11 plane movies to hit the cinema (could be wrong on that). The basic premise as given in the awful trailers, Jodie Foster boards a plane home with her young daughter. Said daughter goes missing, where can she have gone "we're in a tube", Sean Bean steps in as the plane's captain and declares that her daughter never boarded the plane!!!
Jodie and her kid, who's name will be permamently burnt into your memory ("WHERE'S JULIA?!"), are travelling back with the body of their husband/father and then Julia dissappears, what follows was actually quite interesting, the film seemed to be actually quite intelligent, keeping you up in the air as to what 'exactly' is going on with her daughter and her alleged dissapearence. A couple of political issues are tentatively thrown in for good measure (as it's on a plane) and overall you're captivated wondering what the hell is going on!
But this goes on too long, Jodie Foster (who's character name is Kyle Pratt ferchrissakes!) is...grating, kind of like nails on a blackboard. And then the film descends into bog-standard action territory when JF goes all Ripley.
Summary?, starts off reasonably well, but is ultimately, dull, slow, distracting camera work & direction, annoying and misses many an opportunity to do something new. 4/10
Ok, 2nd review in and I realise a couple of things 1)I rant and waffle 2)It's really hard to make sense without giving the plot away! Was gonna see Slither tomorrow, but apparently that's NEXT Sunday (so Vicky informs me!) Hoping to see a good film soon!